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How Much Does Assisted Living Cost?

Updated: Dec 8, 2023

How Much Does Assisted Living Cost?

As we navigate life, we encounter many changes and challenges, some of which may require us to seek assistance. One of these challenges is the need for assisted living, whether for ourselves or our loved ones.

Assisted living can provide various support services, including help with daily activities, medication management, and social engagement.

However, one of the most pressing questions that come to mind when considering assisted living is the cost.

How much does assisted living cost? In this blog, we will explore various factors that can influence assisted living costs.

Ready to explore affordable assisted living options? Take the first step towards finding the right care at a price that fits your budget.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Assisted Living

The cost of assisted living can vary depending on several factors. Here are some of the key factors that can affect the cost:

  • Location

The cost of assisted living can vary greatly depending on where you live. Generally, the cost of living is higher in urban areas, which means the cost of assisted living will also be higher. If you are considering assisted living, it's important to research the cost of living in your desired area and factor that into your decision.

  • Level of Care

The level of care required can also affect the cost of assisted living. Some seniors may only require minimal assistance with daily activities, while others may need around-the-clock care. Many assisted living facilities offer a variety of care services to suit the varying needs of its individual residents. Tiers of service with greater care requirements can increase the cost for assisted living.

  • Amenities

Assisted living facilities vary in the amenities they offer, and these amenities can impact the cost. Some facilities offer a swimming pool, fitness center, and other recreational activities, while others offer only basic amenities. It's important to consider which amenities are important and factor that into your decision when choosing a facility.

  • Size of Room/Unit

The size of the room or unit can also impact the cost of assisted living. Larger rooms or units will typically cost more than smaller ones. It's important to consider how much space you need and to factor that into your decision when choosing a facility.

  • Type of Facility

Assisted living facilities can vary in their ownership and management structure. Some facilities are privately owned, while others are owned and operated by non-profit organizations government agencies. The type of facility can impact the cost, with privately-owned facilities typically being more expensive.

  • Additional Services

Some assisted living facilities may offer additional services like transportation, medication management, or housekeeping. These services can add to the overall cost of assisted living, but they may also be necessary depending on the level of care required.

  • Medicare/Medicaid Coverage

Depending on your situation, Medicare or Medicaid may cover some or all of the cost of assisted living. However, coverage varies by state and individual circumstance, so it's important to carefully research your options.

​Contact us today to schedule a personalized tour of our Assisted Living facility!

Average Cost of Assisted Living

The average cost of assisted living in the United States is around $4,000 monthly. However, this cost can range from as low as $2,000 to as high as $10,000 per month, depending on where you live and the nature of the facility, care, and amenities.

Location is a major factor in the cost of assisted living. Generally, the cost of living in metropolitan areas is higher than in rural areas. For example, according to, the average cost of assisted living in New York City is $6,000 per month, while the average cost in rural Mississippi is around $3,000 per month.

In addition to location, the level of care required also plays a role in the cost of assisted living. Some residents may only need assistance with a few daily tasks, while others may require more specialized medical care. Typically the more care that is required, the higher the cost will be.

Amenities can also impact the cost of assisted living. Some facilities offer more amenities than others, such as fitness centers, swimming pools, and on-site dining options. Access to these types of amenities can increase the cost of living in an assisted living facility.

What Expenses are Covered by the Typical Monthly Cost of Assisted Living?

The typical monthly cost of assisted living generally includes a range of services and amenities. While the specific inclusions can vary from one facility to another, here are some common expenses that are often covered by the monthly cost:

  • Accommodation:

The cost of the living space itself, whether it's a private room, shared room, or apartment, is typically included in the monthly fee. This covers rent, utilities (electricity, water, heating, etc.), and basic maintenance of the living space.

  • Meals:

Assisted living facilities usually provide regular meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as part of the monthly cost. The cost covers the preparation, serving, and sometimes even special dietary considerations.

  • Personal Care:

Basic personal care services may be included, such as assistance with activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and medication management. The level of personal care can vary depending on the individual's needs and the facility's policies.

  • Housekeeping and Laundry:

Many assisted living communities offer housekeeping and laundry services as part of the monthly cost. This includes cleaning the living space, laundering linens, and sometimes personal laundry services.

  • Social and Recreational Activities:

Assisted living facilities often organize social and recreational activities to promote engagement and well-being among residents. These activities can include exercise classes, group outings, arts and crafts, games, and entertainment events. The cost of these activities is usually included in the monthly fee.

  • 24-Hour Staffing and Security:

Assisted living communities typically have staff available around the clock to ensure the safety and well-being of residents. This includes security personnel, caregiving staff, and sometimes on-site nursing or medical personnel. The monthly fee covers the cost of staffing and security.

  • Utilities and Maintenance:

The monthly cost of assisted living often includes the payment for utilities such as electricity, water, heating, and air conditioning. Basic maintenance and repairs of the building and common areas are also usually covered.

​Contact the facilities you are interested in and schedule visits. This will allow you to tour the premises, meet the staff, and evaluate our amenities and services.

How Should I Plan for Assisted Living Costs?

Planning for assisted living costs requires careful consideration and preparation. Here are some steps to help you create a financial plan:

  • Determine Your Needs:

Assess your current health, lifestyle, and future care needs. Consider factors such as the level of assistance required, medical conditions, and any specific amenities or services you desire in an assisted living facility. This will help you estimate the level of care and associated costs.

  • Research Costs:

Research the average costs of assisted living facilities in your desired location(s). Consider the range of services, amenities, and accommodation options different facilities offer. Contact several facilities directly to gather detailed information about their pricing structures and any additional fees. We recommend taking a tour of each facility you’re interested in to meet the staff and experience the amenities firsthand.

  • Assess Your Finances

Evaluate your financial situation, including your income, savings, investments, and other assets. Take into account your monthly budget and existing expenses. Determine how much you can afford to allocate towards assisted living costs.

  • Explore Funding Sources:

Identify potential funding sources to cover the costs of assisted living. These can include:

  1. Personal savings and investments: Consider using your savings or investments to finance the monthly fees. Determine how long your savings can sustain the cost of assisted living.

  2. Retirement income: If you have retirement income from pensions, annuities, or Social Security, calculate how much can be allocated to cover the monthly expenses.

  3. Long-term care insurance: Review the coverage details and check if you have a long-term care insurance policy. Determine if it can help offset the cost of assisted living.

  4. Government programs: Research government assistance programs such as Medicaid (for low-income individuals) or Veterans Affairs benefits (for eligible veterans and their spouses) that may provide financial assistance for assisted living. Ensure you understand the eligibility criteria and application process.

  5. Selling assets: Evaluate whether selling assets such as property or vehicles can provide additional funds to cover the costs.

  • Consult Financial and Legal Professionals:

Consider consulting a financial planner or elder law attorney specializing in long-term care planning. They can offer guidance for your financial situation and help you develop a comprehensive plan to meet your needs and goals.

  • Create a Budget:

Develop a detailed budget that outlines your anticipated income, expenses, and the amount available for assisted living costs. Consider inflation and potential future cost increases. Make sure your budget is realistic and sustainable.

  • Plan for Contingencies:

Anticipate unexpected events or changes in care needs. Consider setting aside emergency funds or exploring options for additional insurance coverage to help mitigate unforeseen expenses that could occur.

  • Visit Facilities and Review Contracts:

Visit various assisted living facilities to assess their suitability. Carefully review and understand the contracts and agreements before committing to a particular facility. Clarify any financial obligations, fees, and potential rate increases.

  • Regularly Review and Adjust Your Plan:

Periodically review and update your financial plan as circumstances change. Reevaluate your budget, explore new funding options, and adjust your savings and investments accordingly.

​Ensure your loved one receives the care they deserve – book a consultation to explore our Assisted Living amenities and services.

Ways to Pay for Assisted Living

Depending on your financial situation and available resources, there are several ways to pay for assisted living.

Here are some common methods:

  • Private Funds:

Many individuals pay for assisted living using their savings, investments, or retirement funds. You can use these funds to cover the costs if you have enough savings or a steady income.

  • Long-Term Care Insurance:

A long-term care insurance policy may cover some or all of the costs associated with assisted living. Review your policy to understand the coverage and any limitations or requirements.

  • Veterans Benefits:

If you or your spouse are veterans, you may be eligible for benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA offers programs such as Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits that can help offset assisted living costs for qualifying veterans.

  • Medicaid:

Medicaid is a government program that provides health coverage to low-income individuals. Some states offer Medicaid programs that cover assisted living costs for eligible individuals. Medicaid eligibility criteria and coverage vary by state, so it's important to research the rules in your specific state.

  • Life Insurance:

If you have a life insurance policy, you can use it to pay for assisted living. Some policies have a provision called "accelerated death benefit" or "viatical settlement," which allows you to receive a portion of the death benefit in advance to cover long-term care expenses.

  • Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM):

A HECM, also known as a reverse mortgage, allows homeowners aged 62 or older to convert a portion of their home equity into loan proceeds. The funds can be used to pay for assisted living costs. It's important to carefully consider the implications of a reverse mortgage and consult with a financial advisor before proceeding.

  • State and Local Programs:

Some states and local governments offer financial assistance programs or subsidies for seniors who need assisted living services. Research the available programs or contact your local Area Agency on Aging for information and guidance.

  • Family Support:

In some cases, family members may contribute to assisted living costs. This can involve pooling resources from multiple family members or exploring alternative living arrangements, such as multigenerational households.

  • Combination of Funding Sources:

Depending on your financial situation, you may need to use a combination of the above methods to cover assisted living costs. It's essential to carefully evaluate your financial resources, explore options, and consult with financial advisors or eldercare professionals to determine the best approach for your circumstances.

​Discover why families trust us with their loved ones' care – schedule a visit to our Assisted Living facility today

Tips for Reducing the Cost of Assisted Living

Reducing the cost of assisted living can make it more affordable. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Research Different Facilities:

Take the time to research and compare different assisted living facilities in your area. Prices can vary significantly, so look for options that offer the services and amenities you need at a more affordable rate.

  • Consider Shared Accommodations:

Some assisted living facilities offer shared accommodations, which can be a more cost-effective option. Sharing a room or apartment with another resident can help split the costs, making it more affordable.

  • Evaluate Care Needs:

The level of care provided in assisted living can impact the cost. Assess your or your loved one's care needs carefully to ensure you are not paying for services that are not necessary. Choose a facility that offers a care plan tailored to your specific needs.

  • Opt for Basic Services:

Assisted living facilities typically offer different levels of service packages. Consider opting for a basic service package that covers essential needs and then add additional services as required. This can help reduce costs by avoiding unnecessary services.

  • Explore Government Assistance Programs:

Look into government assistance programs that can help offset assisted living costs. Medicaid programs, veterans' benefits, or state-specific programs may be available to provide financial support based on eligibility criteria.

  • Seek Long-Term Care Insurance:

Long-term care insurance can be a valuable resource for covering assisted living costs. If you don't already have a policy, consider exploring insurance options to help alleviate the financial burden.

  • Utilize Community Programs:

Some communities offer programs and services that support seniors in their homes or provide alternatives to assisted living. These programs may include home care assistance, adult day care, or respite care, which can be more cost-effective options.

  • Review Contracts and Fees:

    1. Review the contracts and fees carefully before committing to an assisted living facility.

    2. Pay attention to any hidden costs or additional charges.

    3. Ask for a clear breakdown of fees and services to ensure transparency.

  • Consider Financial Assistance from Family:

Explore the option of financial assistance from family members. They may be willing to contribute to the cost of assisted living through direct payment or sharing expenses.

  • Consult with a Financial Advisor:

Seeking advice from a financial advisor specializing in eldercare can help you navigate the financial aspects of assisted living. They can guide you in optimizing your finances, exploring different funding sources, and managing costs effectively.


Assisted living can be a great option for seniors needing extra care and support in their daily lives. However, it's important to understand the costs associated with this type of care.

By researching and exploring different communities, you can find a solution that meets your loved one's needs and budget.

Don't hesitate to schedule a tour of Victorian Gardens or other assisted living communities to better understand their offerings and amenities.

Taking that first step can be difficult, but it's important in ensuring your loved one's long-term happiness and well-being.


Does health insurance cover the cost of assisted living?

In general, health insurance, including Medicare, does not typically cover the cost of assisted living. However, long-term care insurance policies may offer coverage depending on the policy terms. Reviewing insurance coverage details or consulting with an insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage is essential.

Can I use Medicaid to pay for assisted living?

How can I afford assisted living if I have limited financial resources?

Are any tax deductions or credits available for assisted living expenses?

Can I negotiate the cost of assisted living?

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